West Bengal Cooperative Service Commission Recruitment 2010
Applications are invited for the position of:
A. Manager (Accounts & Audit) - 01 Position
Age Limit: Upto 35 years
B. Dy. Manager (Accounts & Audit) - 02 Position
Age Limit: Upto 30 years
C. Assistant Manager (Accounts) - 03 Position
Age Limit: Upto 30 years
D. Asstt. Manager - 10 Position
Age Limit: Upto 30 years
E. Branch Accountant - 08 Position
Age Limit: 32 years Max.
To Apply follow the proforma with all requisite documents “Application against Advt No. “11/2010” should be addressed to the Secretary, Cooperative Service Commission, Bhabani Bhawan (4th Floor), Allpore, Kolkata – 700027, so as to reach him on or before 16.12.2010 upto 5.00pm.
Compant Details
West Bengal State Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd. (BENFED)
Bhabani Bhawan (4th Floor) Alipore, Kolkata - 700 027
Online Information
Source: www.benfed.org
BENFED West Bengal Jobs 2010