Saturday, October 22, 2011

All About CAS Software

This is quite a long period of time since my last post about CAS software implementation in PACS in West Bengal by Department Of Co-operation Govt. Of West Bengal. Unfortunately the scenario  is the same as it was in the year 2007, when the CAS system got on move after Special Audit held by Vaidyanathan Committee of NABARD. Lots of PACS (5200 in number) among which 3200 got selected for computerization was in a hope for being computerize and more of that at FREE OF COST. But our friends forgot that nothing comes FREE and when it is all about a software which will computerize a manual process of a financial institute like PACS, I think, they need to think about it twice.  Bringing their manual day to day job into computerize way? OK !!! quite impossible without a complete software package like C.C.S (Computerized Co-operative System) and a expert guideline with a quality training & job monitoring in Societies own place. 

Still waiting for so called Computerization by Department Of Co-operation. Don't think that is a wise idea.