Friday, January 21, 2011

West Bengal-Leading in SHG Microfinance & Savings

Well known for mobilizing the highest number of small savings accounts in country, West Bengal living up to the reputation has maintained its lead too in terms of micro finance as well as micro savings of self help groups (SHGs).
According to the latest micro-savings & micro-finance  report published by the National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD), West Bengal has left behind states like  Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,and Karnataka -where the SHG movement flourished the most.
Unlike in other states, SHGs under the PACS in the state, do not recycle their thrift as loans to the members. And so, their savings keeps growing. This is the primary reason behind this as one third of the 6 lakh SHG groups does this practice.West Bengal State Cooperative Bank chairman Mr. Ashok Bandyopadhyay said "We discourage SHGs to use their savings for lending between themselves. The savings should be kept for contingencies."
Spreading the SHG movement in the district of Hooghly, the key man Mr. Sudarshon Dhari Dutta said "We encourage SHGs to keep the savings as term deposits so that they can earn higher interest rates on this". According to the latest statistics, the average savings per group is the highest in West Bengal. As on March 31, 2009, the 6,09,439 groups in the states have collectively deposited Rs 1233.28 crore in banks, showing an average savings of Rs 20,235 per group.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rs 14 Lakh Cheat From Rs 12900/- Core Banking Software

With the help of a incomplete software, a computer guy & one bank clerk of Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative easily managed to withdraw Rs 14 Lakh illegally.

In a recent programme held in Ahmadabad, union minister for Agriculture Mr Sarad Pawar, focused on computerizing urban & rural co-operative banks. National Federation of Urban Co-operative Banks & Credit Societies Ltd (NAFCUB) has bargained a reasonably cheap software for the these banks from the leading vendors. It was reported that Rs 12900/- will be the cost of the so called modern core banking software instead of few core rupees. As per Mr. Minister & NAFCUB the results will be nice with ATM, Internet Banking and other modern system.

COOP CORE- 2010 CBS for Urban Co-Operative Banks was launched during a exehibition in Ahmadabad.

A software without proper information & security can be dangerous. This is a true example.Just think how can a company give a software, which could costs few crore rupees just for 12900/-? What could be the quality of a cheap software? The answer and the example is in front of you.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

PACS Computerization

West Bengal Govt. is not focusing on society computerization. The only effort they have been giving for last two years is, just posting Tender Advertisements in newspapers. Till now they couldn't managed to find any company to complete this job. Now think about it, what could be the terms & conditions in those tender documents that no such software or hardware vendor is turning out to complete this project.

The truth behind this is , they don't have any intentions  to complete this project.

More to come with evidence.... 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rs 1000 Crore For IFFCO

IFFCO has proved it yet again, the true power of cooperative. They have decleared a net profit of Rs 1000 Crore ending November 2010.

Source: IndianCooperative News

Damdama SKUS Returned To Manual System

Damdama SKUS Ltd, a MINI Bank of Gangarampur town in South Dinajpur district of West Bengal is an other victim of incomplete & erroneous software in Micro-finance sector. Like Badalpur SKUS they are the client of the same Advanced Software Consaltants Pvt. Ltd, 154 Lenin Sarani Kolkata. After a good effort to turn them self computerized, Damdama SKUS failed to do so.  After a huge number of data entry & training they had started their banking section but because of erroneous result they returned back to manual system once again.

The Same incident, incident number two in South Dinajpur district in West Bengal.